Airport Equipment

by Industrial Discount

31 Aug 2015 11:35 CEST (10:35 BST) Catalogue

Important Information

Sale of equipment and vehicles such as metal detector, shuttles, stairs for passengers, luggage conveying belt and much more fromBankruptcy n.32/2013 del Tribunale di Forlì

Sale in compliance with art 107 co.1 L.F.
Assets are located in Forlì  (FC)
Register to the website to download the sale terms
In order to attend this online auction it is necessary to send a deposit of 500 Euro by credit card or prepaid card through our webiste. You are reminded that deposit is an amount of money that will not be charged to your account, but only frozen. At the end of the auction the deposit will be refunded. In case of win it will be refunded after payment 

Terms & Conditions

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